
Add and Subtract Number Bonds-Flashcards (Self-correcting)


Self-correcting number bond rlashcards for practising addition and subtraction. (Downloadable PDF)

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Addition Flashcards (Number Bonds):
17 pages / 85 flashcards
Colour PLUS Black-and-white
Not language-dependent.

Subtraction Flashcards (Number Bonds):
17 pages / 85 flashcards
Colour PLUS Black-and-white
Not language-dependent.

Practice addition and subtraction with these self-correcting number bond flashcards. Cut out the cards, fold them in the middle so the problem is on the front and the answer is on the back. Stick the sides together and laminate for durability.

Unique number bonds for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and also 100 (multiples of 5).

Now your child can independently practice addition and subtraction problems by checking the answer on the back of the card. The visual grid on the addition cards can assist in understanding the problem.

Brighten the activity with the colourful cards, or for an ink-saving option, use the black-and-white version.

Do not purchase the English version as well; this product is not language-dependent.