Naamboekie | Name booklet


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*** Jou kind se eie naam ***
Leer jou kind om sy / haar naam te skryf met 10 prettige werkkaarte.

Vul jou kind se voornaam of noemnaam hierby in.
Kies jou taalvoorkeur.
Omdat die boekie spesiaal gemaak word, word dit binne 48 uur per e-pos gestuur.
Skole wat ‘n aantal boekies wil bestel, is welkom om ‘n kwotasie aan te vra.

*** Your child’s name ***
Teach your child to write his / her own name with 10 fun worksheets.

Kindly enter your child’s name.
Choose your language.
Because it is specially made for you, it will be e-mailed to you within 48 hours.
Schools who wish to order a number of name booklets, may request a quote.